14 Feb How to Document the Actions of a Cheating Spouse
It is never pleasant to consider that your spouse might be cheating on you. You don’t go into a relationship thinking ‘when he/she cheats on me’. But the fact is, these things happen, and sadly, far too often. Whether you like it or not, if you are reading this you have doubts about your spouse. They are eating at you daily. You are considering the unthinkable; your spouse is having an affair, after all the times you have shared and after all you have been through, for one reason or another you think they are having an affair. You know them inside and out, and you hate yourself for thinking your spouse may be cheating on you. But where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
So what do you do now? Marriage and long term relationships don’t come with a manual. There is no section that says affair. Step one… and so on. You don’t enter a relationship so that you can be betrayed or lied to by someone you gave your all too, and by someone who promised to give you the same. The fact is, when you think your spouse is cheating, your emotions and faculties are shattered. It is like a sharp punch in the nose and a kick in the gut. But there are things that you can do. In fact there are things that you need to do. You need to pull yourself together and start keeping records, so you can prove that your spouse is cheating and see that they get the rewards they so richly deserve. Payback doesn’t fix things but it gives you a sense of justice. To get that justice you need to make a simple plan and follow it, and then contact an experienced, skilled investigative firm to help you document the proof that you will need.
If you believe that you are being cheated on, start keeping records as accurately as you can. Keep these records hidden and don’t let your spouse get suspicious that you might be watching, but start doing these things:
• Keeping a diary. Note your spouse’s change in attitudes and affections towards you
• Keep a log of schedules so you can show how his or hers change
• Keep financial records
• Keep digital and computer records if you can do so without getting caught
• Keep track of your spouse’s social media presence
These are things that you will continue to keep track of as the process unfolds, but once you start all of this and find some evidence to back up your belief that your spouse is having an affair, it’s time to get the professionals involved. If you live in Miami or South Florida, Fast Investigators is the most prestigious and most efficient private investigative firm you will find in the region.
Fast Investigators will move in quietly and invisibly, and will start getting serious proof of your spouse’s exploits. They will also work with you, letting you know what other documentation you will need to make your spouse pay for their affair.
Fast Investigators
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